Saturday, May 30, 2009

"so, which crocodile dundee movie do you want to watch today?"

I feel like people are constantly saying that they love their friends, and they have the best friends in the world, and going on and on about how great their friends are. But I actually mean it. I guess the deal is that if you don't really like your friends, you should get new friends. And I don't need new friends.

The hubs and I had a BBQ* this evening and a bunch of our friends came by. In retrospect, I should have taken photos, but I'm one of those people who bought a new camera thinking it would make me take photos and it hasn't.

*I had a coworker two summers ago who used to actually say out loud B-B-Q rather than barbecue. It drove me absolutely fucking batty. Who does that? For what possible reason would you do that? BBQ actually comes up much more often than you'd think with a summer coworker, too, because she often had BBQs or went to BBQs and then would order BBQ chicken salad or BBQ chicken sandwich and then complain that there was not enough BBQ flavor and ask the waitress for a side of BBQ sauce AND OH MY DEAR LORD WOMAN, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGE TO NOT JUST SAYING THE FRENCHING WORD. IT IS NOT FASTER OR CUTER OR BETTER TO SAY THE LETTERS RATHER THAN THE FULL SYLLABLES. Though now it does bring my friends and I a little joy to say it in her honor, so I guess it's not all bad.

Anyway, I need to get back to online shopping for a GPS system while laying in bed, watching SNL with the hubs. Because I might as well be 97 years old.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha - and isn't it weird calling him your husband? I still slip all the time with fiance or boyfriend. Just can't get used to it!
