Friday, November 13, 2009

Granddaddy Roy

This afternoon, my Granddaddy Roy died. He was a pretty amazing and hilarious guy. He believed he could fix anything, and cheaper. He'd give you directions and send you the absolute shortest distance possible--even if it meant the drive would take twice as long, just to save you half a mile. He golfed 3 or 4 times a week. He used to tell us scary stories and offer to sell us to our grandmother for a quarter (a real bargain, if you ask me). He was a WWII veteran and a product of the GI Bill. He made burgers I thought were about the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten. We was gruff and sometimes harsh, but he was a good man.

He started going blind 7 years ago due to a blood clot which cut off circulation to his eyes. Losing the ability to drive and get around easily was hard on him, I think, but he was bound and determined to keep every bit of his independence he could. Late last year, he fell and broke his pelvis outside the gym where he was doing his daily stationary biking and never fully recovered. This year, he started losing lucidity.

So, today, my grandfather died. I am so thankful to have known him, and to have had a real relationship with him. I am so thankful to have been able to say goodbye to him yesterday. I loved him very much.

This is him with his wife of 59 years, my Grandma Una. Weren't they a dashing couple? Please be thinking of her this week. I don't exactly know how she does it, but my grandmother is a force of nature and she will need every ounce of strength she can get.


  1. oh kate! i am so sorry about your granddaddy. he and your g'ma una look incredible. i am so jeal of her dress! lots of prayers to her and you. it seems like this has been such a whirlwind year--so many huge and amazing highs with some sad lows. many, many hugs your way! i will make sure to pour one out for both roy and honey this weekend. xoxo!

  2. i'm glad that you got to say goodbye. i will be thinking of you and your family.
