Saturday, June 6, 2009

back on the wagon-ish

So, in preparation for the wedding, and because it was the good-kid thing to do, I started working out. Like a lot. As in, most weeks about five times a week. (That may not be a lot for everyone, but it was a lot for me.) I ate reasonably well. And I lost 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and graduation. Not too shabby, especially considering that I put on a bit of muscle.

And then May hit, and I just stopped. I ate like shit, and I didn't work out basically at all. It was kind of awesome. And then I gained 5 pounds.

So anyway, in the last week, I've made my less-than-triumphant return to the gym. I knew going in that I would have lost a fair amount of strength and stamina. And I had. It's disappointing because I know how much work it was in the first place, but I guess it's also good to know that I am able to get back there.

So the point of this post is: I am back. I am working out 5 days a week again. Not because I need to fit into some dress, and not because I need to look good on a beach in August (though that wouldn't suck either), but because I like being strong and fit.

Now, if only I didn't like beer and fried things so damn much.


  1. Kate, I have also fallen off the wagon. But, since I know that you are going to the gym 5 days a week, I am going to try to do it as well. Then when we see each other next, we can both talk about how awesome we are. although, even if we don't quite make it five days a week, we will still be pretty awesome.

  2. Beer and fried things make the world go 'round. And margaritas. And chocolate... fuck it. We can eat whatever we want now that we're old married ladies. ;)

  3. Good for you... Fried stuff and beer are still acceptable as long as you are working out. = )
